I feel as if things have been strained lately. 
Maybe its me, maybe its you, maybe its both. 
Maybe we are more alike than I realize. 
Maybe we are not as much alike as I had thought. 
Maybe what's wrong is so simple, yet maybe there is nothing wrong at all. 
I get a feeling sometimes when we talk. A feeling form you that it's hard on you to wait to be able to find the time to be together. But I feel sometimes in the things you say that maybe it really is hurting you, that you have the same strong desire, longing and need to 
see me as much as I so need to see you. 
Then maybe again it's my mind that is playing tricks on me. Maybe that's not what you're feeling at all. Maybe in fact you don't want to ever see me again. The heart can do many things when its alone, when it hurts, when it has a need that is not being fulfilled. 

I sit and listen to music and do so much 
writing, which seems to help fill the 
huge void in my life of being without 
you, being so far away from you. 
Sometimes the pain is so great I can 
barely breathe. Have you ever just sat 
someplace, lay in bed and so 
desperately want to reach out, 
sometimes thinking if you close your 
eyes and reach out that you can feel 
that person, that someone you want so 
badly you would be willing to give up 
almost anything at that very moment 
just to feel there touch, just to hear 
there voice, just to look into there eyes 
and say " I love you "?
Have you ever wanted to crawl through 
the phone just for that brief moment in 
time to touch another's hand, to place 
your hand softly on there face and gaze 
into there eyes? 

This is where I find me so often. There 
are times I can do nothing but sit and 
cry from pain inside. Agony of the 
loneliness I feel so deep inside. When 
you are not here I am incomplete, When 
you are here I am so very complete, so 
very whole again. Yet I know the time 
will come you will be gone again. Have 
you ever wanted to pick yourself up and 
tell your soul to stop all this, it hurts to 
deeply? Have you ever wanted to tell 
your heart how wrong it is to love this 

Have you ever felt a hand touching you 
gently and hear a whisper "don't worry 
baby I'm here"? " Have you ever felt a 
sudden chill and knew at that moment 
someone so far away was whispering " 
Please feel me, Please feel I need you"?

For so long now all I have ever wanted 
was to love you so very completely, give 
you  even a small portion of the sheer 
happiness you have brought into my 
life. To be able to show to you everyday 
what you mean to me, how important 
you are, how you so deserve much 
more than I can ever give to you. Yet at 
times I feel I give too much, I show too 
much, I love too much. I am left 
powerless and so filled with fear. 

I believe in you, I believe in me, I believe 
in us. I believe in what we share, what 
we have between us. I believe in the 2 
hearts that are here, so far apart yet so 
close to each every day. 

You are in every dream in my soul, you 
are in every thought my mind has, and 
you are in every piece of my heart. You 
are in everything there is about the 
"me" That I am or ever will be. I so want 
to be the same for you. I don't know that 
I can ever be that for you or with you 
But I will do everything you need me to 
do just to achieve that For you !

I will give to you all that I have to give, I 
will ask nothing in return. I will forever 
give to you all that you will allow me to 
give in whatever way it is that you have 
a need. I will do this through an 
unconditional love from within my soul. 

Page Created by Angel Hiding